Content Sharing Request

Feel free to use the sample email language below to request content sharing with your colleague:

Dear Colleague,

I'm reaching out to you because you have previously taught an online section of the course ([[[COURSE RUBRIC & TITLE]]]) I am currently teaching face-to-face. In line with recent University of Illinois directives to adopt remote, online teaching strategies, I'm working to convert my U of I face-to-face course to an online format as quickly as I can. I'm trying to use resources that already exist as much as possible. Toward this end, I would like to know if you would be willing to give permission to me as an instructor to access your course in order to familiarize myself with some approaches that have worked in the past, and possibly use or copy some content in my own contingency course.

I gratefully acknowledge your expertise and creativity in crafting this content, and in the interest of best serving our students, I would like to ask for your goodwill and cooperation in sharing these materials with me. If you have any stipulations on this use, I would be happy to discuss those with you.

If you would be willing to share your course materials, please see the documentation on how to add me as an instructor to your course.
