Interdisciplinary Global Health’s Updates

  • Symposium Tomorrow!

    Illinois-Njala Symposium: November 17, 2015

    The Illinois-Njala Symposium is tomorrow! We look forward to seeing you all there. Please join us and visiting Njala University scholars for an interactive day of roundtable discussions, presentations...More

  • Workshop on Monday, November 9

    You are invited to attend a workshop on:

    Complex Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: Online Tools and Computational Approaches

    The Challenge: Complex problem solving and critical thinking are required in today’s medical, design, and engin...More

  • Scholar Overview

    Scholar consists of five working spaces, or apps

    For a brief introduction, view Introducing Scholar

    To learn how to navigate the main spaces in Scholar, view Navigating Scholar

    Comment: If you have a question about Scholar,ask it in the...More