Illinois Extension

Master Naturalist Hybrid Training Interest List

Become a Master Naturalist
Anyone 18 or older can become a Master Naturalist. It does not require a degree or years of experience.  You must be willing to devote time to volunteering and to continuing education.

Adult trainees in the Master Naturalist program will:

This training is for volunteers of Henry, Mercer, Rock Island and Stark counties program.    
We are creating a list of interested individuals when the new Hybrid Master Naturalist training is announced.

 Hybrid Training 

Master Naturalist volunteers work on behalf of and under the supervision of University of Illinois Extension. The volunteer work is conducted in the local Extension unit and throughout the community on various projects involving parks, schools, gardening, or other city agencies.
Certified Master Naturalist are those who have completed their training and internship.
To remain active, certified Master Naturalists must complete 20 hours of volunteer service and 10 hours of educational training yearly. These are reported on line and recorded by University of Illinois Extension.
 Complete this registration to be added to list of interested students. 

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